Please, read-me / Infos box
This web application works without internet connection once all dependencies loaded.
Keep in mind that the LUTs will be applied at low resolution to increase speed. The size of this web app is around 20MB, when my pack of LUTs is hundreds of MB.
So, pixelation, artifacts and banding will appear here, but not with the real LUTs files.
Drop or load a JPG/PNG frame in the main container and click a LUT reference on left sidebar. Then, just use and keyboard arrows to change next/previous LUT from the list.
Use the slider in top bar to play with the intensity of the LUT. The ON/OFF button allows you to enable and disable the LUT effect instantly.
The SAVE button will be helpful to export the current frame settings (LUT + intensity). The filename will looks like xxxxx-yy-zz.png, where xxxxx is a unique timestamp, yy the LUT reference and zz the intensity.
E : Enable/disable LUT effect
S : Save the current settings as PNG